Weight Shedding!
My Weight Loss Story
by Becky Harper
Forty years ago, after five years of trying, I got pregnant and gained 55 pounds over the course of my pregnancy. I loved everything about being pregnant and fell instantly in love with my son. I loved everything about Motherhood, except I couldn’t seem to lose the weight I had gained. When my son was 4, I joined Weight Watchers and lost 50 pounds in nine months and promised myself I would keep it off.

Over the next 20 years life happened: I got busy at work, at church, and in my son’s life, went through a divorce, and became a single mom with an even more hectic life. I knew I had gained some weight and was a little overweight, but losing weight wasn’t a priority. After all I was in pretty good health and I wasn’t doing anything wrong (I wasn’t smoking, drinking, or doing drugs) I just wasn’t doing many things right. My greatest addiction was to Diet Coke – 4-5 Big Gulps a day.
Then when I turned 50, a group of girlfriends and I celebrated by going on a Mexican cruise for a week. As I looked at the photos of the cruise after getting home, I realized how much weight I had gained over the years. Although I knew I was overweight, I had not realized how obese I had become. And not just obese, but morbidly obese. Years of living a lifestyle that included sitting at a desk all day with little or no exercise, not eating breakfast, and eating more at fast food restaurants than at home had resulted in a gradual but significant weight gain until I weighed over 260 pounds.

Over the next couple of years, I played the “yo-yo” game, trying to lose weight. I would lose a few pounds and then gain them back only to lose them again and regain them. I wasn’t really making any progress.
Then, I had a date with a mouse – Mickey Mouse that is. I had the chance to go to Disney World for a week. A friend gave me a book about Disney World that said I should plan on walking 8‐10 miles a day while at Disney World. Talk about motivation! So, I started my weight loss in earnest in May 2010 – by doing what I knew had to be done – making healthier food choices, getting up early and walking a mile or more every day and by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and cutting out diet coke almost completely. I had a great time in Disney World in August and by November 2010 I had lost 25 pounds, but then hit a plateau. Over the holidays I tried to keep to my “diet,” but by February 2011 I had gained back more than 15 of my hard lost pounds and was discouraged, to say the least.

In May 2011 I was introduced to a weight management plan by the new guy I had started dating. I liked that it was a “Plan” and not a diet and that it came with a money back guarantee. I teamed the plan, which included two meal replacement protein shakes a day, with walking and drinking more water and by March 2012 I had lost 55 pounds and 42 inches.
I particularly enjoyed having the meal shakes for breakfast and lunch, which kept me from consuming fast food lunches on a regular basis. It saved me money as well. This is not to say I was deprived of my favorite foods – I still managed to eat pizza on a regular basis (once a month, rather than once or twice a week) and homemade ice cream (what’s summer without homemade ice cream once in a while). But I am smarter when making these choices – less often and small portions and then right back to healthier choices.

With my weight loss I had more energy and increased my walking. I also added swimming and bicycling in the summer. I really enjoyed starting to get my figure back, even though many of my clothes no longer fit and my clothes budget needed to be increased. Since March 2012 I have lost an additional 15 pounds, 9 inches, and I’m down another dress size. I still have 30-40 more pounds to go, but I have confidence that I will be able to get there and stay there.
Oh, and remember the guy I was dating who introduced me to this great weight management plan, with the promise of getting my money back if I wasn’t satisfied. I guess I was satisfied, since we were married on March 31, 2012. So I guess my story is: Lost Weight, and Gained a Husband!
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